Wednesday, May 09, 2007

One of My Sailing Heroes

An exuberant Sir Robin Knox-Johnson arrives in Bilbao, Spain completing a historic second singlehanded circumnavigation, this time at the age of 68 in the Velux 5 Oceans Race. In 1969, he became the first person to sail around the world alone non-stop in a 312-day voyage.

His second circumnavigation boat, "Saga Insurance".

His first circumnavigation boat "Suhaili" which he built himself.


At 12:47 a.m., May 20, 2007, Blogger othercat said...

These people who have the combination of fortitude and craziness to make a solo circumnavigation impress me to no end. I'm inclined to sit at home and admire them rather than emulate them however.

At 7:02 p.m., May 20, 2007, Blogger Handsome Jack said...

Many years ago I had the notion I would like to emulate this unusual occupation. I hear you can read by starlight in mid Atlantic. I also had the idea that out in the vast expanse, one might be closer to meeting God. But I too have chosen to cheer from my armchair instead.


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